Year of birth.
Since what year started production of knives.
Seriously knives engaged since 1988.
For some reason, I took up the matter.
It started as a hobby, a hunter himself and the first knives for yourselves.
What style prefers and why.
Style prefer versatile. Making historical replicas, Japanese weapons, Russian, Nepalese. Making gift options.
What materials are used and why.
Blades – Damascus Peter Fedoryak. I am engaged in furniture, fine-tuning, design. I use wood, non-ferrous and precious metals.
Which target audience oriented.
Contingent very different – tourists, hunters, collectors, athletes.
Does the knife itself in whole or in cooperating with blacksmiths and other craftsmen.
We work as a team – Guild Masters “Kolo”.
Whether it is the main occupation.
The main occupation.
Education (specialty).
Radio engineering, electronics engineer.
After organizers knife show “Steel Edge”.